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photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Nova Gorica, OUTDOOR MUSEUM VODICE,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Tolmin, OUTDOOR MUSEUM KOLOVRAT,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Tolmin, OUTDOOR MUSEUM KOLOVRAT,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Tolmin, OUTDOOR MUSEUM KOLOVRAT,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Tolmin, OUTDOOR MUSEUM KOLOVRAT,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Tolmin, OUTDOOR MUSEUM KOLOVRAT,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, Cividale del Friuli, GREAT WAR MUSEUM,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, Cividale del Friuli, GREAT WAR MUSEUM,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, Cividale del Friuli, GREAT WAR MUSEUM,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, San Pietro al Natisone, SAN PIETRO AL NATISONE,The bridge over the Natisone of Oculis village,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, San Pietro al Natisone, SAN PIETRO AL NATISONE,The bridge over the Natisone of Oculis village,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, San Pietro al Natisone, SAN PIETRO AL NATISONE SMO, the slovensko multimedialno okno,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, San Pietro al Natisone, SAN PIETRO AL NATISONE SMO, the slovensko multimedialno okno,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, San Pietro al Natisone, SAN PIETRO AL NATISONE SMO, the slovensko multimedialno okno,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, San Pietro al Natisone, SAN PIETRO AL NATISONE SMO, the slovensko multimedialno okno,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, Savogna, MOUNT MATAJUR, The Pelizzo refuge immersed in the landscape,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, Savogna, MOUNT MATAJUR,The Mount Krn and the SoÄa Valley,On the left the saddle of Zaprikraj,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, Savogna, MOUNT MATAJUR,In the distance, the Adriatic Sea and Punta Sdobba,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Italia, Savogna, MOUNT MATAJUR. The shadow cast by the mountain in the early hours of dawn and the, Natisone, valleys,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, KOBARID HISTORICAL TRAIL,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, KOBARID HISTORICAL TRAIL,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, KOBARID HISTORICAL TRAIL,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, KOBARID HISTORICAL TRAIL,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, KOBARID HISTORICAL TRAIL,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, KOBARID HISTORICAL TRAIL,Detail of the signage,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, KOBARID HISTORICAL TRAIL,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, ITALIAN CHARNEL HOUSE,Detail inside the nearby museum,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, ITALIAN CHARNEL HOUSE,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, ITALIAN CHARNEL HOUSE,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, ITALIAN CHARNEL HOUSE,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, ITALIAN CHARNEL HOUSE,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, ITALIAN CHARNEL HOUSE,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, OUTDOOR MUSEUM ZAPRIKRAJ,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, OUTDOOR MUSEUM ZAPRIKRAJ,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, OUTDOOR MUSEUM ZAPRIKRAJ,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, OUTDOOR MUSEUM ZAPRIKRAJ,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, OUTDOOR MUSEUM ZAPRIKRAJ,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, OUTDOOR MUSEUM ZAPRIKRAJ,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, OUTDOOR MUSEUM ZAPRIKRAJ,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, OUTDOOR MUSEUM ZAPRIKRAJ,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Kobarid, OUTDOOR MUSEUM ZAPRIKRAJ,Detail of the signage,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Trenta, SOÄŒA MILITARY CEMETERY,The cannon grenade on the stony pillar that is part of the monument to the slain soldiers,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Trenta, SOÄŒA MILITARY CEMETERY,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Trenta, SOÄŒA MILITARY CEMETERY,Detail,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Trenta,SOÄŒA MILITARY CEMETERY,Detail,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Bovec, OUTDOOR MUSEUM RAVELNIK,Observation point,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Bovec, OUTDOOR MUSEUM RAVELNIK,Shooting shield,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Bovec, OUTDOOR MUSEUM RAVELNIK,Pass trench,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Bovec,OUTDOOR MUSEUM RAVELNIK,Cabin,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Bovec,OUTDOOR MUSEUM RAVELNIK,Box book.,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
2020, WOP Slovenia, Bovec, FORTIFICATION PREDEL,Surrounded by the pristine nature of the Triglav National Park, the Predel fortification was a part of the Carinthian fortification system. In the background, Mount,Mangart,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Bovec, FORTIFICATION PREDEL,Detail of the fortification,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Bovec, FORTIFICATION PREDEL,Detail of the fortification,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
2020, WOP,Slovenia, Bovec,FORTIFICATION PREDEL.,@Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Bovec, FORTIFICATION PREDEL,© Schirra/Giraldi
photographer: Schirra Giraldi
WOP,Slovenia, Bovec, FORTIFICATION, PREDEL,© Schirra/Giraldi