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Una Lightbox è una collezione virtuale dove possono essere memorizzate le immagini che ritenete interessanti.
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![Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall. Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall.](images/luciano_gaudenzio/thumbs/TFF026219.jpg)
photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Poco sopra San Leonardo,nelle Valli del Natisone, le acque del rio Pod Tamoran prima di confluire nel Ro Patok, formano i salti d'acqua della cascata Kot.
![Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall. Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall.](images/luciano_gaudenzio/thumbs/TFF026218.jpg)
photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Poco sopra San Leonardo,nelle Valli del Natisone, le acque del rio Pod Tamoran prima di confluire nel Ro Patok, formano i salti d'acqua della cascata Kot.
![Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall. Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall.](images/luciano_gaudenzio/thumbs/TFF026217.jpg)
photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Poco sopra San Leonardo,nelle Valli del Natisone, le acque del rio Pod Tamoran prima di confluire nel Ro Patok, formano i salti d'acqua della cascata Kot.
![Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall. Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall.](images/luciano_gaudenzio/thumbs/TFF026216.jpg)
photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Poco sopra San Leonardo,nelle Valli del Natisone, le acque del rio Pod Tamoran prima di confluire nel Ro Patok, formano i salti d'acqua della cascata Kot.
![Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall. Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall.](images/luciano_gaudenzio/thumbs/TFF026215.jpg)
photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Poco sopra San Leonardo,nelle Valli del Natisone, le acque del rio Pod Tamoran prima di confluire nel Ro Patok, formano i salti d'acqua della cascata Kot.
![Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall. Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall.](images/luciano_gaudenzio/thumbs/TFF026214.jpg)
photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Poco sopra San Leonardo,nelle Valli del Natisone, le acque del rio Pod Tamoran prima di confluire nel Ro Patok, formano i salti d'acqua della cascata Kot.
![Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall. Just above San Leonardo, in the Natisone Valleys, the waters of the Pod Tamoran stream, before flowing into the Ro Patok, form the waterfalls of the Kot waterfall.](images/luciano_gaudenzio/thumbs/TFF026213.jpg)
photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Poco sopra San Leonardo,nelle Valli del Natisone, le acque del rio Pod Tamoran prima di confluire nel Ro Patok, formano i salti d'acqua della cascata Kot.
ruscello : Immagini trovate 20 |