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TFF027288 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Tagliamento Libero 2024
TFF027287 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Tagliamento Libero 2024
TFF027286 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Tagliamento Libero 2024
TFF027285 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Tagliamento Libero 2024
TFF027284 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Tagliamento Libero 2024
TFF027283 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Tagliamento Libero 2024
TFF027282 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Tagliamento Libero 2024
TFF027281 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Tagliamento Libero 2024
TFF027280 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Tagliamento Libero 2024
TFF027128 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
D'Olbe lakes from Rifugio 2000. reachable by the chairlift starting from the Kratten village
TFF027028 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Flowering along the circuit of the Sauris mountain pastures
TFF026928 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Sappada - Arrivo della 19° tappa del Giro d'Italia 2024
TFF026828 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Avostanis Lake, along the path from Malga Pramosio
TFF026628 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Far East Festival 2024
TFF026528 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Freedome Vololibero
TFF026428 | RM
photographer:  nicola brollo
Cormons - Vigne Alte Path
TFF026328 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Giro d'Italia in FVG
TFF026289 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Udine - Galleria Bardelli
TFF026288 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Udine - Galleria Bardelli
TFF026287 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Udine - Galleria Bardelli
TFF026286 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Udine - Galleria Bardelli
TFF026285 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
TFF026284 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
TFF026283 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Udine - Piazza Libertà
TFF026282 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Udine - Piazza Libertà
TFF026281 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Udine - Piazza Libertà
TFF026280 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Udine - Piazza Libertà
TFF026228 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Along the path that leads from the Pellizzo refuge to the top of Mount Matajur, Prealpi Giulie
TFF026128 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Monte Santo di Lussari. The Di Prampero slope in Camporosso welcomed 2024 with the 51st of the longest torchlight procession in the entire Alpine arc
TFF026028 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Miramare Castle
TFF025928 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Miramare Castle
TFF025828 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
The Forra del Cellina nature reserve, one of the most beautiful and spectacular reserves in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The crystal clear waters and deep canyons carved into the rocks make this stretch of road which was once the only connection between the valley and the plain unforgettable and enchanting.
TFF025728 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Bob on rail Piancavallo: the hilarious fun that will allow adults and children to experience an exciting adventure aboard two-seater sleds, along 1,000 meters of bumps, curves and parabolic turns!
TFF025628 | RM
photographer:  francesco chiot
Barcolana 2023
TFF025528 | RM
photographer:  Stefano Giacomuzzi
Cammino di San Cristoforo
TFF025428 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
Indoor Climbing - Tarvisio
TFF025328 | RM
photographer:  Fabrice Gallina
TFF025289 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Alpine ski with joung skier woman. Di Prampero slope on Lussari Mount.
TFF025288 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Alpine ski with joung skier woman. Di Prampero slope on Lussari Mount.
TFF025287 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Alpine ski with joung skier woman. Di Prampero slope on Lussari Mount.
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